- Multi-Dimensional Sentence Completion

- Aviation Psychology

- The EDMA Occupational Inventory

- 360 Degree Feedback

- EDMA Personality Assessment

Our Online Testing for our Own Psychometric Tools

Time and again, empirical researches have shown that career success is more than a function of ability, intelligence, and experience, but of personality as well. Work values, attitude, work styles, work preferences, etc., as vital components of personality,  play key roles in a person's success and or failure in a job position.  Its importance is paramount in executive level roles, where given its complexity, magnitude, and comprehensiveness,  the  challenges and demands on the person's personal resources are tremendous. There are individual variations within the same normal population, and these variations would draw the line that separates those who can function effectively in a very challenging environment and those who will become maladaptive. People in high level team leadership roles who are laden with extreme personality temperaments tend to exhibit pathologies when they find themselves confronted with responsibilities that are beyond their personal resources to cope with.  Thus, every business organization should have effective ways of managing their human talents. Effective talent management necessitates utilizing psychometric assessment of personality of people in and for the job.


In keeping with our tradition to continuously provide what our Clients need relevant to talent management,  we make it a point to anticipate their requirements to no end. Hence, we have thought of equipping their qualified personnel with skills that would enable them to do psychometric assessment in the comfort of their office premises.


In line with this, we charted a process that has already started to unfold.  The initial step that was taken was for the Team to pool its resources and cull from its wealth of accumulated experience of 25 years in the Region  in developing  its  own psychometric tools. To date, our self-constructed test battery is comprised of the following:


1.      The E.D.M.A. Occupational Inventory (TEOI)-  a tool  that measures occupational styles & preferences and some aspects of personality disorder and psychopathology.



2.      The E.D.M.A. Industrial Sentence Completion Test (ISCT)-  a projective test that assesses one's personality dynamics at work, covering aspects such as interpersonal relations, communication, team orientation, team leadership,  initiative, decision making, etc.



3.      The 360 Degree Feedback Tool-  a tool that attempts to assess,  from the perspective of different sectors,   the performance of a target candidate in 13 Dimensions, i.e., team leadership, communication skills, influence & negotiation, business awareness, adaptability, task management, business understanding, professionalism, among others. 



4.     The EDMA Multi-Dimensional Sentence Completion Test (EDMA MDSCT)-  a projective test that attempts to assess one's attitude toward   a wide sphere of human concern. It touches on the following dimensions:  family, sex, interpersonal relationships, and self-concept. It also attempts to uncover attitudes that are symptomatic of some common personality disorders.



These tools are now available online, bringing a lot of ease and efficiency in administration, scoring, profiling, and analyzing of the results. However, for on-line testing to be efficient, it has to be governed by standardized procedures relevant to  administration, scoring, and interpretation of test results. Our online tools ensured that these important requirements are made functional in the system.  In relation to TEOI,   a brief bulleted list of a Candidate's strengths, areas to probe,   implications of linkages of scale/factor scores, and typical questions to ask a Candidate will be generated.   Through this, we are able to help you standardize and elevate the quality of your interviews by leading you to ask relevant competency-based questions. To ensure that this is done, our experts will provide support to your HR team on a continuous basis through   training on the technical and professional utilization of our tools.


We endeavor to provide the region with tools that are developed by professionals who have been in psychometric practice   in the region for nearly 25yrs.  As our aim is  to provide those services to all Gulf Countries, the Middle East, and North Africa, these tools have  versions in English, Arabic, and French.

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